Quirky Christmas gifts to buy for your friends


Ashley Huynh

Christmas is right around the corner, and those of you who are last minute-shoppers like me, should consider these unique gifts for your friends.

“It’s timeee.” Time to make your pockets hurt because this month is about gifting. Bet you haven’t even thought of the perfect gift for your best friend. Fear not, because we have six gifts you should give to your friends.

  1. Snackeez
    Pretty sure we all had one of these. Surprise your friend with something to make their life simpler. Now they can snack and drink in class without making too much noise.
  2. One Chip
    Want to spice things up? Get something that will spice up their life. We do not encourage you to gift this to a friend who cannot handle spice.
  3. Grow A Boyfriend/Girlfriend
    Valentine’s Day is in two months, and you don’t want to see your friend lonely, do you? Highly recommend it so they won’t be eating dinner alone. Watch your lover sprout from a molecule to human size!
  4. A Blanket with Their Favorite Person’s Face on it
    Usually, we would love to be around our favorites, right? Don’t worry. Get a customized blanket with their face on it. They are inseparable now! No one can take them away, including their warmth.
  5. Cowboy Hat
    Sounds weird, right? Don’t worry. It’s not. Spice up your closet with something extraordinary! Yeehaw everyone who judges them for their hat—they’re bringing their inner country self as they wear the hat.
  6. Printed Poster with Their Favorite Person on it
    Feel like it’s not enough to keep you company? Add more things by buying a customizable poster with their face to hang up. Now they have more company near them, quite literally.
  7. Mini Backpack with a Memorable Childhood Show
    As a child, we all wanted those cool or cute backpacks with our favorite characters on it, right? Years later, you can buy your friend a backpack with their favorite childhood character. At least they have more space to place things.
  8. Corny Mugs
    Personally, no one would get anyone a mug with a corny line or joke. But, if you want to get your friend to laugh, get them one. At least they can use it. Plus, mugs are useful for everyone.

Hope these gifts helped you with your last-minute Christmas shopping. Leave a comment with any more ideas that you have for the perfect gift to help out the extreme procrastinators.