MCPS leaves over 1600 questions unanswered in ‘Community Conversation’


Ryleigh Waters

Screenshot of the Montgomery County Public Schools “Community Conversation” that left 1600 questions unanswered.

On Wednesday, January 12, Board of Education officials met with Montgomery County officials on Zoom to discuss the current circumstances of Montgomery County Public Schools staying open, as well as address community concerns regarding this decision.

Billed as a community conversation, the county had a Q&A area available for people to ask questions or comment, and with over 1,000 questions, the majority of which were not addressed.

Here are some of the best unanswered comments and questions from the meeting:

Andrew Berube*: Why is this meeting on Zoom if in-person gatherings are safe? 

Janina Mera: Given how contagious Omicron is, what was the justification for sending children and staff back as sacrificial lambs? And worse, why isn’t there consideration for dual teachers households for both to stay home when they have a covid positive child at home. It is not respectful of staff or the community at that point.

Dave Airozo: 55 minutes in. 1,604 live questions pending.

Melissa Snyder: How do you know MCPS vaccination rates if you don’t require proof of vaccination of students or staff??

A B : You all are so incredibly tone-deaf it’s pathetic.

Brittany Collier Walston: What will MCPS do to be more communicative about their approach or ideas?

Rhabar Mbabu :

Kathryn Myers: 1 KN95 mask is good for 3-5 days. What about the rest of the weeks?

Adriana Pena: Time to go watch Jersey Shore.

Nancy Clusen: How can we get all bus routes staffed as soon as possible?

Andrew Ginsburg: No one said there shouldn’t be in-person school. Just go virtual for a few weeks until Omicron passes!!!!

Jerry Turner: MCEA has been telling you for months about these issues. You’re gaslighting us.

Bidushi Lakhemaru: We’ll come out on the other side, but at what cost?

Amitab Mukerjee: A prepared PR speech isn’t a good look right now.

Molly H: I want a virtual option. I am high risk, and I know many others are as well, including teachers, staff and students. How many have asked for a virtual option?

Cheryl Crotts: Does anyone know of a private school in the area that provides virtual learning?

Michelle Bernard: Stop using State of MD as a scapegoat. Other systems are doing it.

Ananiya Tilahun: Is mcps going to give out KN95 or KN94 masks.

Lorrie Moten: STOP this madness.

Nancy Clusen: You must make lunch safer for students. Please tell us your plans for safer lunch.

Michelle Bernardi: Why is DHHS working from home?

Julie Taddeo: There is NO social distancing in a  school with 3500 students. There is no plan for indoor lunch. Students don’t always keep masks on. Mr. Elrich–everything you are saying only reinforces how unsafe it is to keep schools open in this Omicron wave.

Andrew Ginsburg: Are you going to spend 85 minutes talking and 5 minutes answering questions??????

Grace Hwang: I don’t think we are going to get any answers from this ….  so frustrating.

Ashley Thompson: I really don’t want to hear your life story…go virtual.

And lastly, from the Instagram live, “Blink twice if Hogan is behind the camera.”

Read the rest of the unanswered questions here. What are your favorites? Tell us in the comments.


*Usernames are printed as given in the Q&A. They are not necessarily people’s real names.