Pandemic positives: learning to do things in quarantine


Caleb Vargas.

The world is on fire! But that’s no excuse to not better yourself or learn something new! Graphic by Caleb Vargas.

For more than six months we have been stuck between the same four walls, some of us slowly going insane. Staying at home has either become a process of doing the same monotonous thing every day, or learning something new. From starting a sport to creating a side hustle, the possibilities are endless.

Here are the top six skills you can learn during quarantine.

1. Learning a new hairstyle

The biggest thing that has taken over my quarantine experience is my hair! Learning new hairstyles can be therapeutic during this unprecedented time. It is a great excuse to get out of those sweats and switch it up with a cute outfit to make yourself feel good. The best part: you will have so many stylish ideas to showcase for when corona finally leaves. I personally taught myself how to braid, and it was the best thing I could’ve ever done, highly recommend.

2Learning how to throw down in the kitchen.

At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if everybody became Gordon Ramsey!  This pandemic has given us the perfect opportunity to get into our kitchens and figure out how we, personally, work in a kitchen. Learn to back, cook your favorite food as many times as you want, or try your best to make a five course meal. Cooking, especially with family, is a great way to take time and enjoy the moment you are in.

3. More time to focus on your future

The future excites me more than anything and when it arrives,  I want to be prepared. This time is perfect to think about what you want to do with your life, or how you want to figure it out. Spend time looking at future careers, do as much college research as possible, and save up for your first dream car. Let your creativity fly and see where it takes you!

4. Self reflection

Remember when life was normal and you were so busy that you never took the time to check up on yourself? Now that you are home, there is nothing better than having a little date with yourself. Take the time to learn who you are and who you’ve become, reflect on your experiences and see how they changed you. Self-love and self-worth are key to a happy life. But to do just that you have to get to know yourself. Even if it’s not fun at first, it will be worth it in the end.

5. Learn a new sport/perfect the sport you play

Exercise is more important now more than ever. Getting out can be fun if you learn a new fun sport with family; it can become a great bonding experience. If you are an athlete and miss your sport (I know I miss mine),  find ways to stay motivated,  continue to practice, and perfect your beloved sport. Not only do you stay active and healthy but you will feel good in the end and feel accomplished.

6. Start a small business

Ideas can come from anywhere and at anytime, don’t let a pandemic stop you from following through and making some serious cash! Learn to do nails, eyebrows, hair, and become someone people go to for great service, despite the closings and dangers with salons. Become the neighborhood dog walker for the elderly. Everyone needs help nowadays, and making a business to help people can be a great way to help the community and secure the bag.

COVID-19 has really turned the “great 2020” into anything but “our year.” But that doesn’t mean we have to stop living and taking care of ourselves once we are at home. If anything, all of the motivation, power, strength, and creativity you need is at home. Use this time wisely and make something great.