Nationwide gas prices at an all time high

The recent inflation of gas prices has led to issues for many Americans, and the gas prices reflect the international problems in the world around us.

Ryleigh Waters

The recent inflation of gas prices has led to issues for many Americans, and the gas prices reflect the international problems in the world around us.

Gas prices are still high in Maryland and nationwide, costing more money, and thus making people lose their whole paycheck. There are several problems domestically and internationally that are affecting everyday Americans. 

The reasons for the high gas prices such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine and inflation. Inflation is when the money value is falling but prices, in general, are still rising. The reason for inflation rising is due to supply and demand; and not enough workers to produce these resources. 

When Russia invaded Ukraine there was a strong, united condemnation from the world against Russia. One way the world has stood against Russia is by imposing economic sanctions on Russian oligarchs, their luxurious yachts and jets, and most importantly Russian oil. President Joe Biden announced a ban on Russian oil imports which will surely impact the price at the pump. 

The limited supply of oil the U.S is receiving creates a shortage in the amount of gas the U.S has. When there is a low supply and a high demand, it forces the supplier to increase prices in the goods in order to make sure that there is enough to reach all the people that need it. 

Not only is the price of gas high but so is the price of food, furniture, and cars. These high prices are hurting everyday Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck or are barely making minimum wage. Their salaries cannot keep up with the increasing prices of everyday items which results in people with low incomes making risky financial decisions as a last resort. 

The price of gasoline shows how intertwined everyday Americans are with the international community, and how there is a domino effect. The high gas prices are a small sacrifice Americans have to make to show their support for the Ukrainians suffering due to the Russian invasion. Although there is some relief in the prices of gas, it is still difficult for everyday Americans to handle.