Sports Wrap-Up: October 28-November 1


Sanjay Fernando

Junior Precious Fraizer hits the ball to score a point for the Watkins Mill Wolverines.

Isreal Safo and Arthur Siquiera

Girls Volleyball

On October 31, Watkins Mill High School’s Wolverines hunted down the Blake High School Bengals, defeating them 3-0 in the first round of playoffs. “Last night we won our first playoff game in a long time, I couldn’t be prouder of my amazing, hardworking team,” senior Jennifer Santos said.

The team will play Magruder High School’s Colonels on Monday, November 4 at Magruder at 6 p.m.

Boys Soccer

Wolverine varsity soccer lost a hard-fought battle to the Blake High School Bengals in 3A West Region Semifinals, 4-0, on Saturday, October 26 at Watkins Mill High School.

The ‘Rines ended the regular season with seven wins, four losses, and one tie.

“The season went good in the sense we had a winning record, but I’m disappointed on how we ended,” senior Brian Reyes said. “But we will be five times better next year.”