Weekly Wolverine Horoscopes: September 4-10


Michelle Batres

Read about your horoscope to learn what this week will look like for you.

Aries (March 21-April 19): This week for Aries will bring the most success and prosperity. You will speak with confidence, clarity, and persuasion. Be careful with your words, they may hurt or offend the people around you. Your week will be one of much change; do not let this change consume you, but instead, let this change guide you.

Leo (July 23-August 22): This week it is important to prioritize taking care of yourself rather than others. As a Leo, you are so concerned about the world around you that you often forget to take care of yourself. Your week will be filled with events that will help you learn about yourself and your interests.

Libra (September 22-October 23): Emotionally, you will thrive this week. You will lead projects that will set you on a path to success. Do not think of yourself as inferior to the people around you. This week, you will learn that you belong in active leadership roles. Try to assert yourself in things that will boost your confidence and independence.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): This week you will release any pent-up emotion you have. As a Sagittarius, people see you as the personification of drama. Do not let this stop you from expressing your emotions as you feel them. If there is a person in your life you have bottled-up emotions toward, this week make it a goal to express your feelings rather than keeping them in.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19): You will be checking things off your to-do list this week. Don’t expect to spend a lot of time at home, you are more likely to be on the move running errands and fulfilling other obligations. However, make sure you are pacing yourself and taking on only what you can handle.

Gemini (May 21-June 21): Expect things to go your way financially this week. Money that you have been expecting will come in, however, that doesn’t mean that you still won’t have to work to get it. It will be a busy week for you, but a fulfilling one as everything will be set in order.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18): Aquarius, emotional turmoil on the job could stress you out a lot this week. Headaches and fatigue can get to you. Don’t push yourself too hard and remember to take breaks. Go out for a quiet walk, take care of yourself, and don’t be scared to push back non-essential tasks. You’ll be okay.

Pisces (February 19-March 20):  This should be a positive week for you, Pisces. Everything you’re aiming for this week, you will achieve with ease. Your connections with others will feel extra warm, friendly, and well-suited.  If you’ve been planning on starting any new projects, this is the week to get it started. Romance in your life will feel more intense and passionate now, so enjoy it!

Virgo (August 23-September 22): Prepare for this week to be full of weird dreams and inklings. Your intuition will be sharper and working at a higher level during this time and with this comes the tendency to be paranoid. Don’t surrender to panic too quickly if you receive messages that look a bit suspicious. Remember to do what you do best and pay attention to the facts first. You’ll see this week turn out better than you might think.

Cancer (June 22-July 22): This week, it seems like a relationship is moving towards deep commitment. Everyone knows you’re a protective sign and you might feel a bit apprehensive about this at first, but don’t run away! This is the perfect chance for you to acquire a feel for such commitment with your own rules. If you truly trust and love this person, it’s time to see what occurs if you choose to stay instead of turning away. 

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Taurus, this week seems to have a lot of love in store for you. This week, allow yourself to prioritize you! Enjoy yourself because, under this week’s glow, you’ll catch many eyes around you. Be ready for your social and love life to be filled with a whole lot more action. Many creative outings are heading your way.

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