Jamie explains why procrastination keeps you from reaching your destination


Jamie Carmichael avoiding work by being on her phone

Jamie Carmichael

Procrastinating. We all do it whether we want to admit it or not. It’s like that little devil on your shoulder telling you to do literally everything but what you actually need to do.

For the past two years I have waited until the very last moment to do anything and if you’re anything like me, it never works out right. You’re constantly telling yourself you’ll do it later, but when later comes you’re already half asleep in bed saying you’ll do it tomorrow. You don’t.

But since junior year has started and the loads of work keep piling on, I’ve realized I need to get my life together, especially since college isn’t that far away. Don’t wait until junior or senior year to get organized and complete all of your work. Start now or else you will be beyond stressed until you catch up, like me.

Always remember this, getting your work done is a top priority and if you really want to have a good future and want to live life almost as lavish as a Kardashian, I suggest you put down your phone, close Netflix and get to work. It will definitely pay off in the end. Plus, your GPA will increase and who doesn’t want that?

For me personally, procrastination is my one of my biggest demons. For instance, if I have two weeks to do a project, I will wait until the second to last day to start it, so I’ll be stressed until I actually finish it. Do NOT be me. Start your work early, so when everyone else is struggling to get their work done at 3am, you’re sound asleep in bed.

So yes, to all of the students who like to wait until the very last moment to get any work done, STOP PROCRASTINATING and get your work done. You do not need that extra stress in your life, which in fact was easily preventable if you just did your work on time. Take it from a junior with multiple AP and IB classes. If you keep procrastinating you’re going to be drowning in work.

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