Sleep necessary to battle dreaded senioritis, prepare for real-world-itis

Angie Perez

I love many things in life: food, music, and my family.  But nothing compares to sleeping.


I would sleep for days if I could, but there’s one thing standing in my way…school.

Having to wake up to my alarm blaring so early in the morning, depriving me of my precious sleep, so I can get my butt to school is honestly depressing.

Now some of you might think, “Jeez, it’s not THAT big of a deal.”

YOU’RE WRONG. Sleep is everything.

The problem isn’t so much coming to school, it’s being a senior in high school.

Senioritis is real guys, no matter what any deniers say.  

It starts with the fact that being a senior is a lot of work.  There are college applications, maintaining good grades, making sure you don’t have any obligations, figuring what you’re going to do for the rest of your life…and of course actually showing up to classes.

Now for some seniors this is “easy breezy.”

Clearly, I am not one of these seniors. Like I said, I would rather sleep than do anything else, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

As a senior there’s A LOT of pressure on you to “grow up” because once you’re out of high school you basically are forced to figure out your life on your own.

This causes most seniors to just want to crawl into a hole and hide forever.

This is senioritis.

Other seniors are so ready to get out into the “grown up” world and are just done with everything having to do with high school.

This is also senioritis.

Symptoms to check for include sleeping in class, being late to class, struggling to get through the school day, and/or groaning in boredom during said school day.

So you see, there are multiple strains of senioritis.  If you are a senior and experiencing any of these symptoms, just take a deep breath and remember: once you finish high school (and college) and you get your dream job, you can sleep alllll day.


Actually, probably not.

You might just want to go back to bed now, while you can, before real-world-itis sets in.

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