New policy allows seniors to leave for open lunch this year


Josephine Moore

Senior Angelique Ramos brings Chick-Fil-A for her junior friend Rosa Alfaro

Josephine Moore

Effective this school year, the senior class is allowed to leave campus during lunch as long as they show security their school ID and arrive back to school in time for fifth period.

Although some students left school before without permission, being allowed to leave gives them “more liberty now and more independence,” senior Jyline Carranza said. Many believe that this new freedom will give them more room to explore places to eat during lunch and a chance to eat healthier.

STEP is now ten minutes shorter because of the new bell schedule, which may make it harder for students to arrive back to school on time. But, this does not seem to deter students, who feel confident now that they are allowed to leave.

They can make it back  on time from restaurants like Chick-Fil-A, one popular lunch spot, as long as they get their food and go. “Being [back] on time will be a big thing,” senior Jessica Burgos said. “Since it is important and it was important before.”

The administration is giving the senior class a big responsibility with this new policy. Not only do they have to be safe and back on time, but they are also setting an example to the other classes who will be seniors in years to come. Administration does not want seniors to leave with a car full of their junior friends; if underclassmen are caught leaving multiple times “they will forgo their ability when they are seniors [to leave],” assistant principal Eric Jackson said.

Teachers also want to advise students to make wise food choices with this extra freedom, “[unhealthy foods] makes you lethargic, they make you want to take a nap, not learn,” social studies teacher Sandy Young said.

Administration is not anticipating an open lunch for all grades, they think that this is a privilege that should be reserved for seniors, as a reward for “making it through three years of high school,” principal Carol Goddard said.


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