How to live in style: Leopard print version


Sanjay Fernando

We must all adopt Mrs. Confino’s point of view regarding leopard prints.

We’ve talked in a previous article about how to get Mrs. Confino to stop wearing leopard print, but I think we should rephrase that to, “How to get the world to see Mrs. Confino’s views.”

We need to focus less on her “obsession” and question ourselves on why we don’t see the world as she does. We are the problem. We don’t understand the life of leopard print, but thankfully, I am here to shed light and give suggestions on how to change that. 

To start, you might ask, “why should we have this mindset?” or “why should we care about this article in the first place?” Well, leopard prints have eye-catching patterns that draw people in. If you start popping out like Mrs. Confino, you’ll be known and loved by everyone. I believe that Mrs. Confino’s kind heart not only comes from her morals, but also from the impact of leopard print. It has the magic power to make people happier and kind-hearted. I know a bunch of people who would need this so I recommend it!

To actually start this movement, we first need someone to take one for the team—a leader who would lead us on the true path of the leopard print lifestyle. They must possess specific qualities as well. If someone needs to initiate the idea of leopard print being a lifestyle they need to be confident and introduce the idea to everyone. They need to make everyone understand the true beauty of leopard print and the dynamic patterns that draw people in.

After that’s done and we have minions or might I say a group of cubs, we need to build our wardrobe with leopard print items. I’m talking about shoes, shirts, dresses, suits, accessories, and everything in between. Your entire wardrobe and room should shine in leopard print. 

Last but not least, you need to shine. You need to have the mindset that you don’t look weird or too bright. You need to wear leopard print in confidence. That’s the key to being a slayer like Mrs. Confino. 

I hope this really changes our mind on things and makes us see the leopard print world a little differently as well as changing up our styles.