Juniors start new club called The Mill; aim to raise student engagement


Nebi Tsarni

Juniors start a new student engagement club at Watkins Mill High School.

Several students from the class of 2024 started a new club called The Mill to restore school spirit and improve the student body’s morale.

The club was founded by juniors Ramatoulie Sey, Nebi Tsarni, Kai Saleck, and Chay Saleck and is sponsored by child development teacher Melissa Cloyd. The Mill has four different branches each dedicated to helping raise school spirit.

The social media and communications branch is led by Sey. This branch helps promote the club and events at Watkins Mill High School. “If you’re interested in joining the club, join now,” Sey said. “[A] majority of our projects are based towards next year and those are the sports people can come out and watch.” The club currently has an Instagram page @themill_wm for all those interested in joining or following The Mill.

The arts and design branch is led by Tsarni. This branch helps to design anything the club needs, whether that’s graphics for the social media, concepts for events, and animations. Their most recently completed project was decorating the mixing bowl for Black History Month.

The production branch is led by Kai Saleck. This branch helps create any production content: cinematography, short films, podcasts, or even photo shoots. When not creating productions, the team lends a helping hand to the other branches. “I know this is cliche but high school is a once in a lifetime experience. If you can make it a memorable one why not?” said Kai Saleck.

The planning and fundraising branch is led by Chay Saleck. This branch organizes all the events inside the club from their spirit weeks, projects, and collaborations. Any events that have to be scheduled are managed by this branch. They are also responsible for raising funds. Currently, The Mill is selling their own apparel for anyone interested in supporting the club and financing their events.

“It’s for everybody,” Cloyd said. “You don’t have to meet a certain criteria, everybody is a student here, everybody has four years to make experiences, and it’s not limited.” So why not give it a shot, bring back some school spirit and take pride in being a Rine. Join The Mill.