Fall activities to do this year

Fall. One of the best seasons, when the trees lose their green colors and turn a majestic red, yellow, and orange color.

The unbearable hot days have passed us by and now we relish the cooler temperatures.

Here are some activities you can do to enjoy and romanticize fall before the winter season.

  • Take pictures of the trees before they shed fully

Right now, the trees are beautiful with their different colors but they won’t stay like this forever unless you make them last forever. It would be best for you to capture the beauty before it becomes a memory.

  • Cozy up while doing things that make you happy

Go out and sit in a place with a beautiful view of the trees, the sky, or both and set your aesthetic background music while you paint, knit with fall-themed yarn, make crafts, or do anything that makes you genuinely happy.

  • Bake (or try to bake)

If you’re like me and aren’t an expert at baking, you can just attempt it and see how it turns out. Bake leaf-shaped cookies with fall colors, cinnamon rolls, pumpkin pies, soups, and so many more tasty foods.

  • Caramel apples

On the topic of food, caramel apples are the main fall treats. Go apple picking or just get some apples from the store and have some fun with the treat.

  • Watch fall movies 

Gather with friends and family or alone and watch movies on a projector board with your lights off while staying cozy with your fuzzy socks and tucked in your warm blanket. You could also do a backyard movie night, out in your backyard with a nice fireplace.

Here are a few of some amazing fall movies; Coraline, The Harry Potter series, Twilight series, The nightmare before Christmas, and Ghostbusters. 

  • Go on a walk/hike

Not only are you staying fit, but you’re also enjoying nature. Enjoy the sounds of cars driving by, birds chirping or the sounds the trees make when they get hit by the wind.

Grab your tote bag, a cup of nice warm tea or coffee, and walk.

  • Binge-watch Gilmore Girls

Do I need to say anymore? Gilmore Girls is THE fall show.

  • Make a bonfire

Take this time as an excuse to make s’mores and hang out with friends and family to enjoy the treats.

Try some of these out, have fun, and stay warm!