Move over Elon Musk, here are the Putin fights we want to see


Sanjay Fernando

There are tons of worthy opponents to against Vladimir Putin, maybe not Elon Musk, but here are the top people who should fight Putin.

In light of Elon Musk’s recent tweet challenging Vladimir Putin—the president of Russia—to fight for the right to own Ukraine, I started thinking about who else I would like to watch get into a fight with Putin.

Here are the best people to fight Putin, in my professional opinion. 

1. Hasbulla

Hasbulla and Putin kind of remind me of each other. Short, angry men who took the world in the frenzy. I would watch this fight in an instant, take my money right now!

2. Principal Carol Goddard

I’ve heard rumors about Ms. Goddard’s morning routine: 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and a 10-kilometer run. Every day before 5 am. I genuinely think Ms. Goddard could knock Putin out in one punch. She would be the clear winner, 100%.

3. Woah Vicky

That’s it. 

4. Senior Ryleigh Waters

I would give my entire life savings to watch this fight. Ryleigh might not be the strongest, but field hockey and lacrosse build good muscles, and I think she can put them to good use. It could go either way, but Waters vs. Putin has a nice ring to it. 

5. The Rock

I think this is kind of obvious. This will be good. 

6. Kanye West

Mostly because I think this would distract him from Kim, but I’m interested to know what nickname he would give Putin. 

7. Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart, although short, is strong. He is friends with The Rock (previously mentioned), so I think he has learned a few tricks. Even then, I don’t think he will win. But he will make a good joke about it so I’m looking forward to hearing it on my mom’s Facebook page. 

8. Junior Sanjay Fernando

He doesn’t stand a chance, but it’d still be entertaining to watch. Good luck Sanjay! 


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