Top Places to Nap at Watkins Mill


Krystin Ipina

Here’s the best places to nap at Watkins Mill High School by a total professional, and no bias within this article.

I sit at school often wondering when will it end? When will my suffering and pain end? Every day, I wake up to the evil void that is society. A great way I get away from these thoughts is napping! After much experience, here are the best places to nap in Watkins Mill High School. This is coming from a professional sleeper.

1. Bed

This is me sleeping in the bed I put under the C hall staircase.

“““““““`Who would’ve thought, right? Beds are great and they are literally designed for sleeping. You’re probably asking, ‘But wait, you can’t bring a bed into school! Why is this on the list?” Actually, I brought a bed into the bottom of the C hall staircase. Go check, I’m so serious. If you don’t see it you aren’t believing hard enough. The warm grace and welcoming presence that a bed creates. The bouncy square that we all love to see at the end of a long day. Not much else to say about a bed it’s pretty straightforward…mmm bed.

2. Confino’s Classroom

Confino’s classroom, the best place ever!

Oh Confino’s Classroom. The wooden tables create a comfort like never before. The only sources of light are the window and the string of lights hung around the room. Though, I can rarely ever catch a break in the room because certain people (not naming names) want to disrupt me and ask me to turn in an article on the same day. Alas, the room does put me to sleep in a good way. My back does kind of hurt after napping for so long though. Maybe I should get that checked out.

3. Phanuel or Mikey’s shoulder

This is me sleeping on Phanuel’s shoulder. Mmmm his shoulder is nice.

No further explanation is needed! If you don’t get it, you don’t get it. You just have to experience it to understand. You know, might as well ask them if you want to find out, even harass them in the halls if you have to.

4. Mrs. Kimball’s fourth period AP Stat class

I love this class, seriously. Math is really fun and it’s super useful for life. Math is kind of like a puzzle but it’s only fun when you actually understand what’s going on. I often find myself drifting off when Mrs. Kimball’s lecture goes on for long simply because I’m having lots of fun. Did I mention that math is fun? Totally fun! Mrs. Kimball’s room is so comfortable, it never fails to put me to sleep…even if I have a stack of assignments to finish.

5. Car

This is me in the car. I am driving the car. That is Mikey and Phanuel on the left and right respectively.

Road trips are always nice. The bumpy road rocking you like a baby, the warm interior hugging you with warm arms, and the music lulling you to sleep, what more could you ask for. Though you may question why I have it on the list cause “you can’t drive a car in school”, says who? You’ve never seen me drive a car in school before, have you? Exactly. I have and there’s no evidence that I haven’t. You should totally try it one day.

Well, I guess that’s it. Not much else to do in a school setting but learn so. I mean you shouldn’t really be napping in class anyways but if you want to go ahead. That’s what I do!

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