Why Josh is so much better than the Editor-In-Chief


Sanjay Fernando

Associate editor Josh Burgos lists the NUMEROUS reasons why he is better than Editor-in-chief Ryleigh Waters.

I am so much better than Editor-In-Chief Ryleigh Waters. There should be no need to even touch up on this topic beyond that point, but I will.

Ryleigh looks like the academically strong and talented student that most of us strive to be, right? NO, YOU’RE WRONG.  From her constantly singing the same line from the same song everyday for the past month, and her forcing me to watch the weird TikToks that come up on her feed, I absolutely resent her. Okay, maybe that was a little too harsh but whatever my point stands.

Me on the other hand, being the best member of The Current in every way shape or form, would argue that I am so much better than her. She and I quite literally live on three separate planes of existence. If you know you know, I am not elaborating on this. At this point they should just give me her job. I honestly don’t know why they haven’t yet; my work ethic is 100% so much better than hers.

I’ve done so much more for The Current than Ryleigh Waters. You may wonder, “But Josh, In that one article you wrote they completely contradicted your whole point and trashed you!” WRONG. Do you really believe their silly little slander against me? They’re all just bullies. However, I’m totally not fazed by their comments, wasn’t crying for a week straight after that article at all.

Not only am I taller than Ryleigh Waters by a whole foot, but I’m also much stronger and smarter. No I will not show you proof, do not even ask.  She’s the type of person to put milk before cereal. She’s the type of person to say a joke only for it to be ignored and repeated louder by someone else, then everyone laughs with said person. She’s the type of person to fall going up the stairs. Need I say more?

If this is not convincing enough, it brings me to my final point. I strongly believe that if favorite members of The Current were chosen by poll, I would win by a landslide. Ryleigh Waters has no fun and only bosses everyone around. Sounds lame right? Correct. It is so lame. If it were me in her position everyone in The Current would be happy. As a matter of fact I would’ve stopped climate change in her position. You may love the Ryleigh Waters you see, but the Ryleigh Waters I know is a different person. She stinks.

(Editor’s Note: Ryleigh left school early so Krystin completely approves this message :))