Teen mom… kind of


Ella Rishell

Here’s my four month old son, and he’s certainly a hand-full.

“I do my hair toss, check my nails. Baby how you feelin’? Feeling good as hell!”

Except I’m not feeling good as hell, Lizzo, as a matter of fact, I had a headache while writing this. I woke up this morning with a strange weight on my chest and my nostrils covered by some odd fluffiness. This weight was almost suffocating. I had opened my eyes to find my four-month-old son asleep across my throat. As much as I love feeling like my kid loves me, I appreciate my ability to breathe as well.

While I did not have to labor and birth my child I will say I do have a lot of love for my kid. He does need to learn how to sleep through the night. Most would say I’m too young to be a mother but I think I am doing just fine for my age.

After relieving myself of the weight on my chest I made breakfast for me and the little man who now runs my sleep schedule. I was really in the mood for a pumpkin spice latte this morning to give myself the motivation to go to school. I started off with some fresh pumpkin puree that I made a few days prior, some milk, sugar, vanilla syrup, and pumpkin pie spice on the stove gave it a good mix and let it heat up while I brewed some Colombian roast coffee.

The lunch for today consisted of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (with more peanut butter than jelly, anything else is absolutely unacceptable), chips, a Caprisun, and a granola bar.

The young man received a 1/4 cup of his food and ate like I haven’t fed him for years. All the while I was running around trying to find my other sock. With my sock finally found and coffee running cold I could already tell this was going to be the best day of my life… NOT.

The Field Hockey Game tonight was a nightmare, I took several balls to various parts of the body, got stepped on, elbowed, and pushed. Worst of all it was freezing and my hamstring cramped up. I don’t think I have ever ran that fast the entire season. All I could think was “Go, go now. Pick your feet up and RUN!” We’re not #3 in the region for nothing y’all.

To rate today’s experience on a scale of 1-10, I’d say it was a solid 9. If my coffee wasn’t cold by third period it would’ve been great.

Being a mother is an extraordinarily hard job meant for the toughest women. Being a cat mom is hard enough I can’t imagine what it was like for my mom to raise me. I gave my mom a run for her money, but I love her even though I may not show it all the time, she is the greatest. I wouldn’t be who I am today without her.  To all the moms out there you’re doing great, keep it up! That’s all folks.


yours truly,

Ella Rishell

P.S. Sorry Mom, I finished the sugar and never refilled the jar last week.

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