IB learner profile student of the month: Inquirer


Sam Lee

Freshman Amanda Breeden was selected as the IB learner profile of the month for her skills as an inquirer.

Grace Edwards

Starting this school year, students at Watkins Mill High School are being recognized each month for demonstrating International Baccalaureate learner profile skills in order to encourage the ideal mindset of an IB student. 

Freshman Amanda Breeden was selected as the first student for her skills as an inquirer, by her English teacher, Stephanie James.

Students were nominated by their teachers for exhibiting IB Learner Profiles in the classroom. There were ten students, from all grade levels, chosen for each of the profiles: Reflective, Open-minded, Risk- taker, Caring, Balanced, Knowledgeable, Inquirer, Communicator, Principled, and Thinker.

“I’m just really excited. My middle school did something similar, but basically everyone got it eventually,” Breeden said. “This is for the whole school…. I’m just so happy.”  

“First off, we want to show students that we appreciate all of these different qualities in them,” English teacher Samuel Lee said. “We also want to help promote the mindset of the IB, particularly the Middle years program.” 

 “We want everyone to know that [IB] is out there… we love the philosophy and how they lift students and how students learn,” Lee added. “This is our way of recognizing that we appreciate that philosophy and that we see it in our students.” 


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