Senior Vijay Vanathayan asks president of everything at Watkins Mill Sarah Elbeshbishi to prom with only 8 days left


Vijay Vanathayan

Hey Saraaaah. How ya doin?

I heard you weren’t going to go to prom, and I couldn’t let that happen.  It’s your senior year and if anyone deserves to go and have a great time, it’s you!  I know it’s super late to ask, but I figured why not? I’m sure we’ll have fun, and I already have a plan for the night so you won’t have to worry about that (you have to keep reading to find out what it is though).  So, if you’re thinking of saying yes, continue reading.

I’m sorry for asking so late.  I know finding a dress and deciding how you’re going to do your hair and all that isn’t easy.  But, I didn’t really think I was going to ask anyone. I have my stuff ordered already. It’s going to look something like this, but with a bowtie:

I feel like pretty much anything would go with it and if you want I’ll get a bowtie to match the color of the dress you get.  

You’re always putting everything together, but this time I’ll tell you the plan.  We’ll go with Selom and Naina, Suriya and Karyn, Megan and Sal, and Tyler and Harris.  We’ll take pictures at Brookside Gardens and then possibly go to and leave for prom in a limo (as for eating, that’s the one part I’m not sure about, sorry :/).

So, what do ya say, Sarah?

Will you go to prom with me?

PS: (As friends)


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