Valentine’s Day ideas for couples, singles, or just friends


Cameron Moore

Valentines Day kisses

Bridget Mundy and Angelina Walton

Will you be alone this Valentine’s Day or will you be spending it with your significant other? Well no matter what you’re planning on doing, we have some ideas for you!

For the people who will be getting flowers, chocolate, and those ADORABLE teddy bears that suffocate you with joy. Whether you’re going out, staying in, relaxing, or spending all your hard earned money out of your bank account. There’s always something romantic for you and your significant other to enjoy.

To start, who doesn’t love food? A romantic dinner is the perfect way to any person’s heart. Find a nice restaurant with a romantic atmosphere, somewhere where they’ll have chocolate. If you aren’t into the restaurant idea or spending lots of money, then you can always make your own chocolate-covered strawberries. The sweet taste of the strawberry balanced by the rich taste of the chocolate compliment each other perfectly.

For the couples who prefer to stay indoors, cook something together for dinner. Making food together will help you bond and will always be super fun. While you two are cooking, put on some nice lovey music and maybe light some candles.

If you are spending your Valentine’s Day alone or you do not have a significant other, then here are some of your options. Netflix is too basic for this type of occasion. Going out with your single friends can make your night well spent. Who says you have to spend the night with only ONE person? Going out to see a movie and getting dinner can substitute a romantic dinner and movie date.

A movie and dinner with your friends is always the way to go. If you and your friends don’t feel like spending money then have a potluck. You don’t always need to spend a lot to have a good time. Plus what beats having a great day with a group of friends for cheap! 

Hope some of our possible ways you can spend Valentines helped! Enjoy spending time with your loved ones this Valentine’s Day! Whether you’re spending Valentine’s Day alone or with someone, make the most of it!  

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