LGBTQ+ Club hosts ‘National Coming Out Day’ pizza party


Yeikela Mendez

The LGBTQ+ message board at the intersection of the A and B hallways

Jubilee Robinson

To kick off the new school year, Watkins Mill’s LGBTQ+ club will be celebrating National Coming Out Day on Wednesday, October 11, with a pizza party.

Gay, straight, or anywhere in-between, anyone is encouraged to come to B200 (upstairs, near the auditorium) at 11:30, and support their queer classmates through the LGBTQ+ club. There will be games, free stuff, a chance to meet new people, a safe place to hang out, and of course, pizza.

Those who come are encouraged to join the club but it is not required. “We are celebrating [Coming Out Day] because it is a national holiday in the LGBTQ community, and it might help educate someone,” club sponsor Scott Tarzwell said.

It is also not required to come out at this party, it is just a way to spread awareness for the recently established club. “It might help someone someone who is close to coming out,  have that acknowledgement that there is a place in which they can do that in a safe environment,” Tarzwell added.

Allies, or people who don’t identify as apart of the LGBTQ+ community are more than welcome, and are encouraged. “Allies should join because they will be educated. Just like with any minority, learning and educating about it will make them, as well as the minority, feel better,” Tarzwell said. “Allies can learn about what is correct, what is incorrect, and what their friends are going through,”

It’s almost as courageous to be an ally as it is to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community.

— LGBTQ+ club sponsor Scott Tarzwell

Tarzwell hopes as many people that can will come to the party and learn a little bit about the community that he wishes to represent. Tarzwell has many activities planned throughout the year, all he needs are more interested members.

“I have interested speakers that could come in, I would like to do more with other national days, such as the Day of Silence in April, and I would love to become more of a solid club, with a presence, with followers and people who are interested in the club, they don’t just show up, but they are excited to show up and can contribute. ”

Most of all, Tarzwell wants everyone to know that they are always welcome at the LGBTQ club and with him. If they ever need a safe place to be at lunch, or just place to hang out, the doors to B200 are almost always open.









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