Prom is coming–5 tips to landing your dream date

Hey guys, as you all may know, prom night is coming up on Friday. So, if you haven’t already asked your girl to prom, then this is your last chance!

And don’t screw it up guys, this means the world to us girls.

Do something better then saying, “Will you go to prom with me?” Step it up! Make it amazing and make it memorable. There are many ways you can surprise your girl to go to prom with you and have it be the most memorable day of her life

If you need tips, then you should definitely continue reading this.

Here are some ideas you could use to make sure she goes to prom with you:

Number one: Make a big banner with flowers and some creative lyrics that relates to prom or her.

Number two: You can take your girl out for a romantic night and while you have her out and about, ask her to prom in a way that relates to what you’re doing on your date.

Number three: You could surprise her with sticky notes on her car that says “Will you go to prom with me?” You could get flowers and chocolates for her and you’re sure to win her heart.

Number four: You could buy her an animal like a dog or cat (whichever she prefers) ask her to prom that way and she will melt in your hands because everyone loves puppies.

Number five and the last type of advice I can give you; go to her house and surprise her with a gift or a song, decorate it and make it look romantic. Then you can ask her. Most likely she will say yes and melt in your arms.

Okay guys, those are my five tips on you asking your girl out to prom. If you listen to me and do it one of these ways, thank me in the hallway!

I hope you guys have a rockin’ prom night and I wish you the best of luck asking your girl out to prom. GOOD LUCK!

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