Plaid, warm colors top trend lists for Wolverine fall fashion

Gabriella Encarnacion

Senior Ronald Saenz rocking a nice sweater and Sperries

While leaves are falling, fall fashion is rising.

Watkins Mill High school students are transforming the hallways into runways with their unique sense of style. Their style leaves the halls with a little more pizzazz when they’re under the glam lights. 

“Fall, to me, is elegance,” senior Arly Garcia said. Garcia loves dresses and boots with knee high socks. Garcia also accessories her outfits with rings and necklaces. The color scheme that she believes is perfect for fall is maroon, dark brown, black and a mix of  light colors.

Senior Annely Gutierrez has a somewhat different taste when it comes to colors for fall. She likes warm colors like yellow, peach and brown. Gutierrez would rather accessorize with scarves, believing they are “essential to every outfit,” and with bags and purses. She loves the fall because “it’s getting cold, and what better way [to enjoy the weather] than to snuggle up in a black sweater?”

Senior Ronald Saenz loves the fact that fall is “sweater weather,” and his daily outfits sure show it. He likes to wear sweaters, sweatpants, Sperrys, and Nikes. As for Saenz’s opinion on colors, he thinks navy blues, greys, and golden browns are the way to go.

“I like to wear what I like and express what I love,” senior Henderson Menjivar said to explains how he uses fall as a time to theme it out.  Menjivar expresses himself by dressing in things that surround his favorites, such as Pokemon and Nintendo. Menjivar loves the clothing and the variety of choice it provides.

Many would agree that since it’s getting colder, a change of wardrobe is needed for this chilly fall season. Senior Sandra Bazubwabo agrees and says that fall is the season for “bundling up” and “oversized things.” She thinks that outfits with layers are most appropriate for this particular weather.  Bazubwabo likes to stick with “ rings and lipsticks to match what I’m wearing.”

Junior Osman Euceda loves the fall for the colors, such as the oranges, browns, blacks and purples. He typically has a taste for leather jackets, jeans and pants during the autumn season. Euceda accessorizes with watches and jackets. “I noticed a lot of people are starting to wear flannel and more darker colors,” Euceda added.

“Plaid shirts are everywhere now,” senior Talia Steed said. She prefers burgundy, purples, tans or creams for fall colors.  Steed typically accessorizes with earrings and necklaces. For fall she thinks boot socks with combat boots and a cardigan is a nice way to go for fall.

As the leaves start to crunch at our feet and the weather is now chilly, it’s about that time for our apparel to be adjusted. Fall fashion is here, meaning get ready to bundle up, add layers and add a little bit of spice with dark, warm colors.