Watkins Mill High School has re-introduced the cellphone policy for the 2024-2025 school year to increase student learning capacity, including an updated guide on steps teachers can take when directions aren’t followed.

The policy outlines a triangle divided into four sections: level 1, level 2, level 3, and level 4. Level 1 allows devices for personal use, level 2 allows students to listen to music during independent work, level 3 use is strictly instructional (eg. Desmos or Kahoot), and level 4 prohibits phone usage.
Student concerns over the cell phone policy center around safety and security. Sophomore Evin Fernando said “I do believe phones shouldn’t be out during class, but there are [instances] where I might need my phone. For example, if there’s [an] emergency, I need to [contact] my family…[without] abruptly leaving class.”
Junior Vivian Urbina said, “With school shootings happening in the U.S., if I were in a position where I couldn’t grab my phone before going into my hiding spot, I would be terrified.”
Though the policy does not differ from the 2023-2024 cell phone policy, enforcement has been stronger as students report an increase in teachers having phone pockets. Teachers also have a guide on action steps to take when a student violates the policy.
Step one involves restating the policy as a reminder to students, step two involves a private reminder to the student, and step three requires a teacher-student conference. If the student follows the teacher’s instructions, steps one to three will only be repeated when necessary.
If not followed, teachers can follow steps four and five: step four allows for parent/guardian contact, and step five allows for a referral to administration.
Though the cellphone policy has received mixed opinions, the ultimate goal of the policy is to maximize instructional time for both students and teachers.