April Fools: MCPS announces new plan for year-round school beginning in June

Amelia Burton

After the Maryland state legislature overrode Governor Larry Hogan’s veto on school start dates, MCPS decided on April 1 to begin year-round school.

Beginning in June 2019, Montgomery County Public Schools will have year-round school, after the Maryland legislature overturned Governor Larry Hogan’s veto concerning school start dates. All schools county-wide will be in session for nine weeks, then on break for four weeks.

The purpose of Hogan’s bill was to make more of a profit for Ocean City and overall benefit the state of Maryland. However, after the long back-and-forth argument between the state government and Hogan, the school systems will once again control when schools begin and end.

“We don’t know anybody in Ocean City and they don’t know anybody here… so why should they care what we do in Montgomery County?” MCPS Superintendent Jack Smith said, referring to the new decision. Ever since Larry Hogan declared that all Maryland public schools have to start after Labor Day, MCPS has been trying to get it overturned. “It took a lot of hard work and time, but we finally did it,” Smith added.

There have been mixed feelings from both students and staff due to the new decision. “I don’t know why MCPS would do this. It was fine the way it was,” Wooton High School junior Clara Benton said.

Other students had the complete opposite reaction, such as Watkins Mill High School senior Taylor Dawson. “I love it. I now have more time throughout the year to relax. I’m surprised the county didn’t do this sooner,” Dawson said.

Although it came as a surprise that the county ultimately came to this conclusion on April 1, Smith and many students are very optimistic about the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. Don’t forget to go home and tell your parents that is article is completely fake. April Fools!