Selom Kalin crowned Mr. Watkins Mill in 30th annual competition

Jubilee Robinson

Mr. Watkins Mill 2018

Senior Selom Kalin won the thirtieth annual Mr. Watkins Mill pageant on Tuesday, May 1. The night was filled with cheers and laughter as eight seniors competed for the chance to be the next Mr. Watkins Mill.

To kick off the show, the boys were introduced by the hosts, seniors Natalie Rodriguez and Sarah Elbeshbishi. The boys walked down the auditorium stairs to a song of their choice along with their escorts. There was also background information about each contestant projected onto the screen.

“It went phenomenally well,” event sponsor Matt Johnson said.  “I am extremely impressed with all involved with the show.”

The show consisted of three main portions: swimwear, talent and a Q&A. To end the show, Students Against Destructive Decisions performed a skit about the dangers of drugs and alcohol use. Police sergeant and guest judge Carlo Corvoiser then spoke to the crowd about the crisis around the county.

“Tonight was about having fun and being positive,” Corvoiser said. “But also about having some sort of education as far as making better decisions, because one decision you make could be your last.”

During the talent portion, the boys performed acts of magic, cooking, dancing, singing and even a prom proposal. The boys along with SADD members spend a total of about 20 hours the week before preparing for the show. They made promo videos for it as well.

“My favorite part was the dance group because I got to dance with [seniors] Liam Thomas and Josh Ofosu,” Kalin said. “It felt like old times.” 

During the Q&A session, the boys were asked various questions such as, “Who is your biggest role model?” and “If you could go back in time, who would you meet?”. Questions were picked out of a hat by the boys’ escorts.

The judges were chosen by the participants, with all profits going to the charity of the winner’s choice.  Kalin selected the charity “Build Africa” to receive the donations. 

Kalin “deserved to win,” senior contestant Muhammad Ba said.  “He put in a lot of time and effort.”

The cost for the show was $5 per ticket, and it lasted about two hours.