Fiona and Chase’s four golden steps to your dream grade

Je’nan Hayes

Fiona and Chase beg Mr. M for their grades.

These are Fiona and Chase’s four golden steps to follow if you want to boost your grade at the end of the semester. Follow these steps and you won’t be disappointed!

1. Be nice to your teachers

Think back to what your parents taught you. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Treat your teachers how you would want to be treated when trying to boost a grade 20%. That means be extra kind and caring. If all else fails, cry. Go to up to your teacher and look very sad. Give them the puppy eyes and play on their sympathy. If they are sympathetic to you, then they are more likely to help!  

Being nice includes listening to your teachers. You may think that what they say makes no sense, because you haven’t listened to them the whole quarter, but they are there to help. Take their advice. They are your only way in. They hold the power to boost your grade! Use their help.

2. Use your time wisely

DO NOT wait until the last minute. Procrastination is NOT your friend during this time. Procrastination may try to sneak back into your life, but don’t let it in. It will only hurt you like it did the whole quarter.

Village Time has a purpose. It is there for you to make up work. Use it. You are already in class, instead of doing nothing, help your grade! It is built into your schedule, so you might as well do the work now instead of later.  

3. Come in at STEP

As a high school student, STEP is a very useful time during your day. Although you may want to use this time to catch up with friends or take a look at social media, your time might be better used somewhere else. If you really want to boost that borderline B to an A, you’ll go to your teachers at STEP and ask about every opportunity under the sun to achieve your goal.

If you use STEP to your advantage, you’ll find yourself with more free time after school to catch up with friends. STEP is not free time, at least if you want to boost your grade it’s not.

4. Know your limit

This step might be a bummer. You need to know your limits. When you go in to talk to your teacher about working on your grade, you need to be realistic. If you’re struggling to get a C in the class, don’t expect an A handed to you on a golden platter. Actually, don’t expect anything handed to you. Boosting your grade in the last week of the semester is a big task, so some bigger goals may simply just not be justifiable or even possible.

Best of luck to everyone trying to boost your grades from Fiona and Chase.