New year, new you: a guide to resolutions


Camille Nazzal

Senior Genesis Jimenez ready to prosper this new year.

Genesis Jimenez

As the new year has arrived, our new year’s resolutions list has become longer and longer. There is only one person who knows what is best for you, and that’s YOU.

Let’s face it, 2017 was a very interesting year. It came like a roller coaster with many ups and downs, turns and flips. So glad the ride is officially over. Now the most challenging part awaits. 

When writing down your resolutions, make sure to right your wrongs (or maybe write your wrongs). It may be difficult preventing the same mistakes from the past, but we don’t want to be like Frank Gallagher. Yeah.. we really don’t.

After figuring out the mistakes you have learned not to do again, make sure to do one important thing:

DO NOT REPEAT HISTORY. Learn from your mistakes.  If something hurt you, why would you do it again?  Please do not repeat your mistakes.  It’s impossible to grow as a person when you do.  

Quick tip: make sure not to add too much to your list. You don’t want to want to be too hard on yourself, you’ll overwhelm yourself and get agita. 

Agita (noun): feeling of anxiety, stress and or aggravation.

If you find yourself with writer’s block, you’re in luck. I can help by giving you a little push to the start of some ideas.

First thing’s first, your mind. Tell yourself not to think so negatively, and be at peace with yourself and situations. In order to better yourself, you must better your mentality. Your mental health matters most.

Secondly, don’t forget to be happy! Be the happiest person you can be, walk around and make sure everyone feels your joy. Optimism will only lead to great things. Remember that there are only good days and great days. Word to Mr. Quinn.

Lastly, it may sound cliche but be active, your physical health matters too. Take advantage of all the things you can do now, go for a run or on a hike. Also, try changing your food choices. Eat three meals a day and add in some fruits and veggies.

Happy new year!


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