Sophomore gets free electronics to review on his YouTube channel

MK Kamara and Angie Perez

One of the biggest arguments of all time…Apple or Samsung?

Sophomore Kelvin Quacoe would be your go-to guy to figure out impossible questions like this. If you’re not sure which device to buy, you can check out his YouTube channel, Supertechsaiyan, where he reviews technology ranging from smartphones to tablets, which are sent to him by various companies.

“It was [kind of] like a bet,” Quacoe said. Quacoe first started his YouTube channel back in 2013, when he placed a bet with his friend to see who could get the most subscribers. At first Quacoe wanted to do gaming videos, but he figured “it wasn’t something [he] was good at.” Quacoe started by making tutorials on how to make websites and later progressed to reviewing electronics.

Quacoe managed to get these electronics sent to him by companies by contacting their PR department through email. Sometimes the companies even allow him to keep the products, Quacoe said. Technically, companies can pay to have their products reviewed, but Quacoe said that he’s “not in the mood to get paid.”

“It’s what [Quacoe] loves to do,” sophomore Harris Malik said. Malik is one of Quacoe’s close friends, who looks to Quacoe’s videos for tech advice. Malik recommends that other people should watch Quacoe’s videos because Quacoe “knows a lot about technology,” has been learning about it for “the last couple of years,” and he “has a lot of experience.”

Another friend of Quacoe’s, sophomore Ashwin Smith said, “[Quacoe] does really great reviews.” Quacoe’s reviews are “very descriptive” and “makes people want to buy it,” Smith added. “People always leave good comments on [Quacoe’s] videos.”

For anyone trying to follow Quacoe’s lead in making video reviews on YouTube, Quacoe recommends that they “try to be consistent with uploading [videos],” but not to “rush through them.” Quacoe also said to “be sure to listen to the advice” from the comments people leave.

It’s seems Quacoe has won the bet, as he now has more subscribers than his friend. Check out his all his reviews here.

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