Senior reflection: Devonte Bruff

Devonte Bruff

I will try to make this as brief as possible. High school was a HUGE transition from middle school. I can remember my first day like it was yesterday. The smell of new shoes and morning breath. I had trouble finding my classes for the first couple weeks, but then I started to catch on to the class numbers.

Freshman year, I was like a new puppy. That isn’t an inappropriate simile. It was just the fact that I was severely unfocused. I set foot onto the Watkins Mill campus, and did not know how to act.

I was glad to be away from the same people all day everyday, although some of them came to Watkins Mill too. I also met a lot of “new” people in the first couple days. The reason I put quotations around new is because I knew these people from Facebook but never saw them until I came to school.

Football was always something I was interested in so I decided to try it. What I wasn’t aware of is that there is a lot of competition for positions in all levels of football. I never thought I would get on the field. Knowing this, I skipped so many practices that the coaches almost forgot my name.

Moving into sophomore year, I had the same mentality until my coach, Joseph Hooks, had a talk with me that changed me for the better. From then on, I did not miss a single practice unless I was sick.

Away from sports, I knew almost everyone, which meant I had a lot more friends sophomore year. My grades were improving after my bad grades freshman year. Sophomore year, I got honor roll all year.

Junior year… was… insane. It was one of the hardest years of my life. I had to balance sports, academics, and a relationship. The troubled times did not conquer me as I maintained my honor roll streak.  

Not much occurred that year, but senior year was a big step. I decided to be a “Lone Ranger” or, in other words, I was single for my senior year to eliminate any stress. I focused on football and just getting out of high school in general.

A tip I would give my younger self (if I could speak to the young whipper snapper) is: stay focused, and do not let anything bring you down.

My final message for everyone is to live your life with “No Ragrets” (only a few would catch that reference). I hope you guys took notes as I briefly explained my life. Remember, “No, I’m not Jordan, but I am the GOAT.” – Devonte Bruff.


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